Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rumor on the Street

So, the rumor on the street is tomorrow is Friday. Thank goodness! I don't know if I could do anymore work days after tomorrow. My boss needed me to come in early today to grade papers...yeah, just like a school teacher! So that means tomorrow I get off a half an hour earlier. Well, because she is the world's greatest boss...she's allowing me to come in early again tomorrow and get off at 4! So, yeah, I'm stoked. To get off early on a Friday! Woo hoo! The best is that I work next week, then have a week's vacation! I'm so ready for it!

Well, I guess I should mention the fact that I have an obsession with Atlanta Braves baseball. I have been following it since I was 12. My husband, Josh, and I try to go to Atlanta once a year. We were fortunate enough to make two trips this year. We went in January for fanfest. That was the ultimate dream for me! I actually got to meet some of the players! My favorite alltime is Chipper Jones. I did not get to meet him unfortunately...however...when we went back in April, I had the extreme pleasure of meeting my second favorite player, catcher, Brian McCann! The funny part was I met him in a bar!! I have to thank my Georgia friend, Andy, for introducing us!!
So, there will be more stories to come. For now, I'm going back to the Braves game. I know this season is a bust...but I still love to watch my babies! I'm still hoping for that one season when we get back to our winning ways!!


Rachel Lovato said...

You figured out the picture thing! Yipee!

Andy Middleton said...

You're welcome :)