Sunday, September 26, 2010

Catching Up...

So, like my cousin, Rachel,'s only been a year since I've blogged.  I apologize right away...but it's doubtful anyone even noticed I stopped...right??  Haha.  So much has happened in a year.  I did go from loving my job to being really unhappy.  That has led me back into college.  I am going to get my teaching certification!  I'm excited.  I've always wanted to be a teacher.  I'm just sad it took me 12 years to figure that out!!  I'm hoping college the second time around is a lot far, it is.  My teacher is awesome.  I feel at peace with this decision and although it's a little overwhelming, I know it's for the better.  I also managed to build a house with my husband!!  It's absolutely gorgeous and as soon as I can get pictures on this new laptop, I will post them.  We've been here for four months now and absolutely love it.  The neighbor hood is so peaceful.  I still walk around this house in awe that I actually accomplished this.  My best friend, Jennie, had a beautiful baby boy, Holden, who is now 2 and just like a nephew to me.  Jennie is like a sister to me, so I get the privilege of having him call us Aunt Nee Nee and Uncle Josh.  I think it's adorable that he calls me Nee Nee.  Makes me feel so special!!  He is obsessed with trains!!  Like, really obsessed...This summer we took two mini vacations with them to Baton Rouge for a weekend and New Orleans.  We had the best time!  I'm looking forward to many more vacations with the Kidds!!  Long story short...I'm still alive...finally able to blog...and just having the greatest time of my life!!  Hope everyone else is doing well!!  Now, it's time to go and read everyone's blogs and play catch up!!!

1 comment:

Rachel Lovato said...

LOL. Thanks for catching us up. I am a faithful follower of your blog! We have so much in common, guess we must be related. Sure love ya!