Monday, April 6, 2009

Maw Maw

What a week! I got a horrible call last week from my mother saying that my grandmother was in ICU with pneumonia. I was in tears as she told me about how they rushed her in almost losing her once. I drove in to New Iberia on Sunday to go see her. She may not have looked her best...but who can with tubes running all over the place, but she sure was in great spirits. Her face lit up when she realized I was there and that made me so happy to be there. My grandfather just wanted to get to her to hold her hand. He even pushed my sister out of the way to get to her! It was heartbreaking. Margo and I were fighting back tears as we watched them look at each other. Fortunately, Maw Maw took a turn for the better and got out of ICU. I went see her Friday nite and she looked so much better. She lost a lot of the fluid she had retained and looked like my Maw Maw again. It hurts me to think about now how little I see her in my busy crazy life. She was like a second mom to me when I was little and my mom had to have surgery right after I was born. I guess there's a connection between us that no one else shares. At least I like to think so. We all have our connections, and that ones mine. I wish now I would have stopped in more to visit. It hurts that it took her to get into the hospital to just stop and even say hello to my grandfather on the way back from a friend's house. We had went eat with some friends in New Iberia and even though it was late, I still made Josh stop since the lights were on. I went to check on Pa Pa to see if he needed anything before bed. He said he was fine and Travis, my cousin, was going stay over. I love my grandparents so very dearly. We take for granted that they will always be there.

Today I found out one of my good friend's from high school's dad passed away. I was good friends with the family, so I knew Mr. Herman fairly well. My heart goes out to William in his time of grief. I'm sorry this blog is kind of sad, but it's been that kind of week. As sad as I am for Mr. Herman, I'm very grateful my grandmother is doing better. I hope she comes home soon. And I will make better efforts to visit more often.